in partnership with the Royal Microscopical Society (RMS) and the European Microscopy Society (EMS)

10-11 December 2019

Chair: Prof Anna Baldycheva, University of Exeter

This 2 day symposium will focus on an emerging field of microscopy; the in-situ characterisation of novel smart nanomaterials based systems and devices. Internationally known experts in Smart Technologies will join the symposium to discuss the most critical technological insights, discoveries and new practical applications in microscopy and micro-spectroscopy characterisation for a wide range materials: from 2D, chalcogenide, perovskites and group IV materials, organic and quantum dot nanomaterials, detonation nanodiamonds, liquid crystals and fluid nanocomposites, to porous and metal coatings, nanobiofilms, thermoplastic nanocomposites, textiles and chainmail fabrics.

The symposium will cover fundamental techniques such as optical microscopy, TEM, SEM, AFM, Raman, and FTIR for a wide range of possible applications, from chemistry and material fabrication to in-situ systems engineering. The conference will also include workshop with hands-on demonstrations and possibility to test participant’s samples on-site.


Stanislav Leesment

NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments

Coming soon...

Andrea Picone

Politecnico Milano

Andrea Picone received his doctor degree in Physics on March 2012 from Politecnico of Milano. During his Ph.D. he mostly focused on the characterization of the structural and electronic properties of transition metal oxides, by means of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. During 2011, he spent seven months at the Karl Franzens University, Graz (Austria), in the research group of Prof. Falko Netzer, where he investigated the electronic and structural properties of oxide low-dimensional model systems by means of low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy.
Since 2019 he is tenure track professor of experimental physics at the Politecnico of Milano. Currently, his main scientific interest is towards the study of layered systems formed by ultra-thin oxides and ferromagnetic metals. He is author of about 40 scientific papers on international peer-reviewed journals. He received about 20 oral contributions and two invited talks in international conferences. He participated to international projects founded by the European Research Council (e.g. GREEN Silicon FP7-FET-OPEN X-TRACK No. 257750, GEMINI FP7-FET-OPENX-TRACK No.2013-0623, COST Action CA15128 Molecular Spintronics) as well as Italian projects (e.g. FIRB project “Ossidi Nanostrutturati: multi-funzionalità e applicazioni”, RBA-P115AYN). In 2017, he was granted by Italian minister of higher education (MIUR) with FFABR (Fund for the Financing of Basic Research Activities). He is co-proposer of 10 granted beamtime on the base of competitive calls with peer review at international synchrotron facilities.
In June 2016, he was appointed as editorial board member of “Scanning” (Hindawi and John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), indexed in Scopus and ISI web of Science. He is also member of the editorial board of Journal of Coating Science and Technology (publisher Lifescience Global).

Rodion Reznik

Saint-Petersburg Academic University

Major research interest: MBE growth of nanowires, layers and combined-dimensional nanostructures; analysis of structural, optical and other properties of such structures, creation of devices based on such structures.

Igor Meglinski

University of Oulu

Coming soon...

Alexander Baranov

ITMO University

In 1975, Alexander Baranov graduated from Leningrad State University with a degree in Optics and Spectroscopy. In 1979, he defended his PhD thesis in Quantum Electronics, while in 1999, he defended his DSc thesis in Optics.
From 1978 to 2006, he worked at the Vavilov State Optical Institute (St. Petersburg) as a junior and then chief research assistant. From 2006, he has been working at ITMO University as a Professor at the Faculty of Photonics and Optical Information, as well as the Head of ITMO's Laboratory of Optics of Quantum Nanostructures, and a Chief Research Associate of the Center of Optical Information Technologies.

Tatiana Perova

Triniti College Dublin

Coming soon...

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